Fresh, Small-Batch Nutrition for Better Health & Performance

Katie Compton's Beta Red Brownie Recipe

I've been fortunate to know Katie since she moved to Colorado Springs many years ago - when she was an intern at Carmichael Training Systems and before she won her first of many elite cyclocross national championships and world cups.

Not only is she a friend and occasional training partner (when I'm fit enough to not get dropped too quickly), but she's also been an incredible asset when it comes to discussing nutrition and product development. She's had to do a great deal of research and experimentation with various foods and diets to figure how to overcome the well-publicized "cramping" issues that seemed to pop up at the most inopportune times earlier in her career. A positive side effect to all of this research and experimentation is that she's become extremely knowledgable about how different foods affect performance, recovery, and general health.

This said, today we have something she created that's a little less serious: Beta Red Brownies!

Due to their sugar content, we recommend consuming these peri-workout (meaning just before, during, or after training or racing).

Beta Red Brownies

So here's Katie's recipe for Beta Red Brownies. This makes 9 2X2 in. servings.

1 3/4 cup high quality dark chocolate or one 12 oz bag Guittard 63% dark chocolate

4 Tbsp salted butter (grass-fed preferably)

2 Tbsp real maple syrup

2 Tbsp water

2/3 cup raw sugar

1/2 tsp Kosher salt or nice sea salt

1 tsp finally ground espresso or coffee powder

1 tsp real vanilla extract

3 large eggs at room temperature

1/4 cup gluten free flour (Namaste brand works great, can also use regular AP flour)

8 scoops Beta Red

Preheat oven to 325* and generously butter an 8 in. non-stick square pan. 

In a medium sauce pan on low heat melt the chocolate, butter, water, and maple syrup together until smooth. Stir in the salt, espresso powder, vanilla and sugar and set aside to cool briefly. Using a spatula, scrape the chocolate mix into a stand mixer and add eggs one at a time beating well after each one until the mixture looks glossy after each egg. Stir in the flour and Beta Red until combined. Don't over-mix. Pour batter into buttered pan and bake for 40 minutes or until the brownies have a crusty top and have slightly pulled away from the sides of the pan. The center can be slightly moist. Let brownies sit in the pan to cool.

Some changes that might be pretty good is using Almond flour in place of the gluten free flour and coconut oil in place of the butter. 

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