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Fueling for Cyclocross with Enduro Bites and Beta Red

Getting your nutrition dialed for cross race can be trickier than you might think. Races are relatively short, but they are also incredibly intense. The only thing I've encountered that comes close to their physical intensity are short-track mountain bike races, but even they are not quite as vomit inducing. Sprinting over barriers and up steep hills by foot as commonly encountered during cross races pushes the intensity level through the roof. You need glycogen stores to be at maximum to fuel these and other anaerobic efforts, but you also don't want much food in your stomach come race time. That is, unless you want to be distracted from going your fastest by burping up breakfast. It's not a pleasant feeling.

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Spotlight: Beta Red Pre-Workout Orange

Beta Red Pre-Workout Orange has been available for a few months now, but some of you have yet to try it. This formula has the same powerful beet juice / amino acid blend as the original to take your performance to the next level, but with a refreshing citrus flavor. While we love the clean beet flavor of the original Beta Red, we wanted some variety since we drink it most days. This new flavor is great alone and in recipes.

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Hey Kid, Wanna Get High?

Alpine mountain bike rides are one of my favorite things. There's nothing like riding a narrow single track on the side of a mountain. Thankfully, I live in an area where there are more high-country trails than I can ride over the course of a summer. This year I've been making a point do as many as possible. Here are a few glimpses into some of my recent rides. 

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A Summer to Remember

Unless you've been self-isolating without internet access you're undoubtedly aware that practically all cycling, triathlon, and running events have been canceled or postponed for the near future. These events serve as outlets and focal points to many of us.They give us something to built up to and provide opportunities to connect with friends and other like-minded people, and it's a huge letdown for them to be gone. Ironically, their absence give us the ability to create a summer to remember.

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