Fresh, Small-Batch Nutrition for Better Health & Performance

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Leading By Example

Shouldn’t this national crisis be getting more attention by our leaders? I’m one who typically believes that people should be able to live as they choose as long as it doesn’t harm others, but continuing this way will surely lead to disaster.

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Bailey Hundo - A Case Study

Congratulations to Enduro Bite’s own Sarah Musick for completing the Bailey Hundo this past weekend — her first 100 mile mountain bike race. Actually, according to the promoter, it was 102 miles with 12,746 feet of climbing.

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Don't Inhale the Pixie Dusk

Being the nutrition geek I am, I often scan labels of nutritional products while in my local bike shop. Lately I’ve noticed that brands are beginning to employ some of the misleading tactics in their marketing to endurance athletes that have been used to sell supplement in other markets.

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Step Back!

Interesting article on yesterday discussing the tendency to crave junk food when sleep deprived.

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