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Uli Schoberer Interview: The Father of Cycling Power Meters

It's tough to imagine advanced cycling training without power meters. They are one of the greatest advancements in cycling training technology and have become a standard tool for anyone who wants to maximize performance. The man responsible for developing the first cycling power meter, and arguably influencing all power meters developed since, is Ulrich Schoberer. Also known as Mr. SRM, or as his friends call him, Uli. I was able to capture one of my chats with Uli, so sit back and get ready for his take on cycling, technology, and the latest from SRM.

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Why Nano CBD Drops?

Regular customers might recall that we originally released Nano CBD Softgels along with our Nano CBD Drops. We've since stopped making the Softgels and only offer Nano CBD Drops, but why? While we were proud of the quality of our Nano CBD Softgels, we and some core customers found that we got more from the delivery system used for the Drops -- especially when each dose was held under the tongue for 30-60 seconds before swallowing. Doing so allowed for more complete and faster absorption. While  I new much of this before we ever released either product, the real-world effect was greater than I expected.

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Flowing with the Seasons

Training only on the bike can bring about structural weaknesses. If we're lucky, these can be inadvertently addressed by activities we chose to do off the bike. If not, they require the eye of a good coach to diagnose and address. Either way, the offseason is the best time address them. Coach Matheny also mentioned that unless you're a pro athlete with virtually unlimited training time, you're usually better served by addressing weaknesses for at least a portion of your off-season, and how it's easy to get addicted to putting in big miles and end up not ever being recovered enough to do quality intensity workouts to really increase your performance.

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Spotlight: Beta Red Pre-Workout Orange

Beta Red Pre-Workout Orange has been available for a few months now, but some of you have yet to try it. This formula has the same powerful beet juice / amino acid blend as the original to take your performance to the next level, but with a refreshing citrus flavor. While we love the clean beet flavor of the original Beta Red, we wanted some variety since we drink it most days. This new flavor is great alone and in recipes.

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How to Return to Training After Taking Time Off

Enduro Bites Ambassador Jen Kates explains how to ease back into training without risking injury after taking time off due to the gyms being closed because of COVID-19, injury, illness, or any other reason. Check out her advice on how to get back to strength training... safely and successfully.

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